In its incarnation as Business Intelligence Publisher (hereinafter "BIP"), it is essentially the same application at heart but with several powerful new features. Like XML Publisher, BIP is a XML transformation engine that applies XSLT templates (created on the fly from user-generated WYSIWYG templates in RTF format) against raw data to produce reports with highly customized visual layouts in a variety of output formats.
XMLP differs from BIP in two significant ways:
First, BIP has much greater flexibility using a variety of template sources, output formats, delivery methods and scheduling options.
Second, and more importantly, BIP is not restricted to E-Business Suite as a data source - in fact it has been expanded to interface with a wide variety of applications, including JDBC-complient databases, Webservices, Hyperion... and OBIEE.
From a high-level pespective, BI Publisher...
- transforms raw data from various sources (JDBC, Webservices, OBIEE, etc)
- according to a layout designed using native functionality of best-of-breed layout tools (Word, Excel, Acrobat, etc)
- into various file formats (HTML, PDF, Flash, CSV, XML, XLS, etc)
- and delivers them via various mechanisms (Email, FTP, HTTP, WebDAV, Fax, etc)
- either on demand or according to a user-defined schedule
This discussion is divided into two parts illustrating BIP's basic functionality within the context of its two native OBIEE interfaces:
- with BI Presentation Services as a specialized integration source, wherein Answers Requests are treated as a unique data type (Part 1)
- with BI Server as a JDBC-compliant SQL database, wherein Presentation Tables are treated as simple database tables (Part 2)
Assumptions for this discussion:
- BIP was correctly installed and configured onto a demo system during a full OBIEE installation process (full installation & configuration of BIP can be tricky, but is out of scope for this discussion - see Oracle's documentation for more info)
- OBIEE on this demo system is serving the demo "Sample Sales" repository
- MS Office is installed on the client system (screenshots herein represent MS Office 2007 but should adequately demonstrate functionality for previous versions)
PRE-REQ: Install "BI Publisher Desktop" (interfaces desktop client apps Excel and Word with BI Publisher)
- Log in to OBIEE as Administrator
- Click to "More Products - BI Publisher"
- Click to "Business Intelligence"
- Click on "Template Builder" (in Developer Tools) - Save BIPublisherDesktop.exe then run
PART 1: Integration with OBIEE Presentation Services (via Answers Requests)
BIP can interface with the OBIEE Presentation Services as a data source. BIP "sees" existing Answers requests and treats them as reports ready for formatting & delivery. In this exercise we will create a simple Answers request, then connect to it from BIP and build a simple template using MS Word, then observe how we can use native functionality in MS Word to modify the resulting output.
- Click to Answers
- Open the "Sample Sales Reduced" Subject Area
- Create & save new Request titled "BI Publisher Request" in your personal folder with the following dimensions & facts:
Products . Brand
Time . Year
Facts Revenue . Revenue
- Open BI Publisher ("More Products" - "BI Publisher")
- Click to "Shared Folders" - "Business Intelligence"
- Click to "Create a New Report"
- Enter Name = "Answers Request Demo"
- Click "Create"
- Click "Answers Request Demo" - "Edit"
- Click "Data Model" = "New"
- Enter Name = "BI Publisher Request"
- Select Data source = "Oracle BI Answers"
- Click Flashlight icon
NOTE: Directory structure matches Web Catalog structure - because BIP here is communicating with Presentation Services
- Click "users" then [your username] then "BI Publisher Request"
- Click "Save" (green disk icon in upper LH corner of screen)
- Open MS Word
- Click to "Add-Ins"
- Click "Oracle BI Publisher"
- Click "Log on" - Pop up window will appear
NOTE: Value for Report Server should be the local OBIEE install - Click "Login"
- "Open Template" window will open
- In "Workspace" drop-down, select "BI Publisher"
- Expand "Shared Folders" then click "Business Intelligence"
- In the "Reports" area, click on the "Answers Request Demo" (which you created in BIP above)
NOTE: Directory structure matches BIP structure - because Word here is communicating with BI Publisher
- In the "Layout Templates" area, click on "New
" - Click on "Open Layout Template"
- Click to "Add-Ins"
- Select "Insert" - "Table wizard"
- Select report format = "Table" and click "Next"
- Click "Next" (Data Set = "ROWSET/ROW")
- Click >> (selects all available fields), then "Finish"
- Select "Preview" - "PDF"
- Obey prompt to save document in RTF format
- PDF viewer will render output
- Use "Add-ins" - "Insert" to create new objects, then experiment with native Word formatting functionality to create your desired report layout
- When ready to proceed, select "Add-ins" - "Oracle BI Publisher" - "Upload Template As..."
- Enter Template Name = "Answers Request Demo Template"
- Return to BI Publisher
- Click to "Shared Folders" - "Business Intelligence"
- Click "Answers Request Demo" - "Edit"
- Click "Report" - "Layouts" - "Answers Request Demo Template"
NOTE: This is the RTF template which you created in MS Word above
- Click "View" (link in upper RH corner)
- Voila!
PART 2 Integration with OBIEE Server (via Presentation Tables)
(To be continued...)
Did anyone find a solution to this
ReplyDeleteI get the same error message
ReplyDelete"Error Occurred. Please check the settings and try again."
when I try to open & save BI Answer report as BI PUblishers report.
can anybody please solve this